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SSK FINSOL is Your one-stop destination for everything with regards to money management, tax planning, investments, wealth management, insurance, retirement planning and the ever-changing world of personal finance.

Financial Planning

A financial plan can act as a Road map (GPS) in your financial journey, prevents you from taking wrong financial decisions and avoid unnecessary stress.

Investment Planning

Investing is all about selecting the most suitable option with proven track record and high probability of getting the desired returns after careful evaluation of your current situation.

Retirement Planning

Instead of adjusting your retired life with whatever funds left post retirement, retire on your own terms. We can guide you all along in your journey towards a great retired life

Risk Management

Return on your investment is the reward for the Risk which you are taking, successful investing is about managing the Risk, not avoiding the risk

Debt Planning

If you are in a dilemma whether to pay off loan or invest your surplus money, when and how much loan we should go for, whether to lease or buy an asset, we can guide you to take the right decision.

Tax Planning

Change your approach from Tax saving to Tax planning. Minimise your Tax burden without compromising returns on your investments.

About Samir S Kadam

Samir is a Certified Financial Planner, (CFPcm) from Financial Planning Standard Board India. Samir has more than 25 years of corporate experience handling variety of clients, consequently has a strong understanding of client’s requirements. Samir specializes in Investment Planning, Retirement and Tax Planning, Risk and Estate Planning and Integrated Financial Planning. He is passionate about Personal Financial Management, increasing financial literacy and helping people take the rational financial decisions.

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